Thursday, May 1, 2008


Computers and the Internet are already playing a significant role in our lives. Therefore, writing and publishing things on the Internet is not out of the norm. People now have the advantages to sign up for a blogger account like mine by just filling up their personal details, and it is free of charge. Day by day, the trend pattern of blogging is increasing. One of the main reasons is due to the influence of famous bloggers such as Dawn Yang, Xia Xue and Kenny Sia. Even politicians now such as Lim Kit Siang and Hannah Yeoh are blogging about the political issues and the country.

Classifications of Blogs

Blogs can be classified in many different types. It does not differ only by the style and content of the writings, but also the way it is written and delivered.

Types of Blogs:

Personal Blogs
This is the most common blog of all. It is used to as a journal or a diary to document and share an individual's life. Some bloggers such as Dawn Yang and Xia Xue have risen to fame due to their interesting posts.

Corporate Blogs
This blog focuses on business such as marketing, branding and public relations.

Media Blogs
Some examples of media blogs are vlog (video blog), photoblog, or tumblelog (blogs with mixed medias). Source:,289825,sid9,00.html

Blogs by Device
Blogs can also be classified by the device that is used by a blogger. For instance, a blog written by a mobile phone or PDA is called a moblog. Source:,289825,sid9,00.html

Blogs by Genre
Blogs are usually focused only on a particular subject such as politics, rantings, food, humor or traveling. Below are some examples of blogs that has been categorized according to its genre. Source:

1) Food and Recipe Reviews:
Food Safari
Life of a Food Lover

2) Humor:
Kenny Sia
Stepping Aside For Reality

3) Members of Malaysian Parliament:
Lim Kit Siang
Teresa Kok

4) Rants:
Eye On Everything

Blogging Phenomenon

Blogging has proven to be popular as years progressed into a more advanced digital era. In May 2004 Technorati claimed that they have tracked 2.4 million blogs, increasing to 11.7 million blogs in June 2005, but this figure has been argued that it is as just the number of blogs registered and does not differentiate between genuine blogs and splogs (spam blogs). In June 2003, The US National Institute for Technology & Liberal Education (NITL) BlogCensus identified that among 655,631 blogs that were registered, 30% were inactive.

The blogging phenomenon has peaked in the recent years and it is predicted to be even more popular in the future. With internet access in any parts of the world at anytime, blogging is an easy way to convey messages and reach out to the targeted audience. Blogging will also generate future writers, freedom of speech, income and fame; however, it has its downsides and consequences as well.

Blogging Consequences

The materialization of blogging has created many unforeseen and unwanted consequences such as publicize confidential or personal information of all sorts, defamation, or giving out details about work and employment.

1) Blogging and employment
When an individual publishes issues in their personal blog such as regarding their job and workplace in a satirical manner may cause them to lose their jobs, as it might affect the reputation of the company. An example would be
a Google employee, Mark Jen was fired in 2005 after 10 days of employment for revealing corporate secrets in his personal blog.

3) Blogging and politics
People who represent their political beliefs but do not get a chance to have a say in the government utilize blogs to express their political views, commonly to fight liberal rights, equality and freedom of speech. However, if political bloggers are not careful with what they write, they might be charged for an unlawful act or be brought up to the courts.

4) Blogging and defamation
Some people abuse blogs by ruining one's reputation or create rumors, commonly in the political sector. A good example would be about a British college lecturer who created a blog under a false name and defamed a politician by using derogatory names, such as referring to him as a Nazi. When the politician found out who the lecturer was via the ISP, he successfully sued her for £10,000 in damages and £7,200 costs.

5) Other blogging consequences
Receiving threats and insults from other fellow bloggers is unfortunately common. It sometimes happen for no valid reasons and it is difficult to detect who the real person is.


Blogging Communities

Signing up and registering for a blog is now free of charge and made simple. Blogging communities such as Xanga, Blogspot, Blogsome and Blogdrive provides everyone a free account and easy to customize templates to cater everyone, regardless of HTML skill levels.

Designing for Print vs. Designing for Online

Design Quality
Print Design - Huge canvas to play with, create striking and detailed designs, allows readers to move theirs eyes to details within seconds (e.g. a map on a 2-page spread)
Web Design - May cause low JPEG quality and resolution after resizing, slow downloading process if design resolution is good.

Print Design - 2-dimensional, big canvas
Web Design - 1 and N-dimensional, scrolling method

Print Design - Navigation mainly consists on page turning, basic information
Web Design - Navigation by scrolling and hypertext, provides various of related information

Response Time, Navigation and Canvas Size
Print Design - Better speed, image quality and size of space
Web Design - Depends on bandwidth, screen resolution and size of screen

Multimedia, Interactivity and Overlays
Print Design - High impact visualization but no moving graphics
Web Design - Provides interactive widgets, effective user engagement

Knowing the Differences
Print Design - It is based on letting the audiences focus and read most of the information, looking at information objects and using important combinations to make page elements complimentary and explain each other
Web Design - It works by letting the reader's hands move the information (scrolling or clicking), information relationships are communicated temporally as part of an interaction and user movement

News Designer -,
Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox -

Purpose of My Blog

Hello! Welcome to my blog. The purpose of creating this blog is to discuss and share issues regarding document design and publishing with anyone who is interested in this subject. You'll expect writings about things that I have learned in class, and issues in the daily life and the media. It is also to educated and inform people about issues regarding document design and publications in this 21st century.

Blogging is a benefit which I make use of to share useful information with the public as
it allows worldwide access to publication and exposure, ease of writing, editing and publishing, and transmitting a publication on the spot at anytime, anywhere in the world with Internet access.